Lisnata Pogača

Lisnata pogača (lee-sna-ta | po-ga-cha) has been one of my favorite breads that before this, I had never made myself. During certain special occasions, my aunt would surprise us with this piece of heaven. I would say it’s a cross between brioche and croissant in both the ingredients and methods. I promise it’s easier to make than to pronounce (for non native speakers) 😁.

Making bread has become one of my favorite things to do. If I’m being honest, making traditional Serbian recipes is something I am trying to do more and more as a way to enjoy childhood foods but more importantly feel connected to who I am. And if you know me, being Serbian is what I know best 😁.

There are many YouTube videos that are wonderful for learning how to make this. I decided to go with a video that has English subtitles (because why not make it as easy as possible the first time round). If you prefer a more standard bread look, YouTube has got you covered with recipes. I also really appreciate the look of this one and how it breaks off.


  • 300 ml warm milk

  • 200 ml water

  • 1 tbsp of sugar

  • 1 tbsp of salt

  • 50 ml vegetable oil

  • 10 gr active dry yeast

  • 1 egg

  • 250 gr of butter or margarine (I used unsalted butter)

  • 6-7 cups of flour


  1. Visit Domaci Recepti’s video for “Najmekša lisnata pogača”-

  2. Once you have made your lisnata pogača, tag us on instagram @dishingwiththedawouds 😊.

  3. Enjoy it alone or pair it with your choice of meats and cheeses. 😌


Starinske Oblatne Sa Orasima (Wafers stuffed with Milk and Ground walnuts/ground biscuits)


Burek (w/ground beef & Potatoes)